An interesting conference about African Cinema.
It will be held tomorrow (november 29th, 9:30 am / 7:00 pm) in London at the University of Westminster. This interdisciplinary conference invites academics, film and video producers, policy makers, film distributors, Africa specialists, development practitioners to debate the role of african film and video.
In most African countries, filmmakers are self-funded and get little input from the public sector. Yet it is the product of this growing-body of self-sponsored and mostly independent film producers that has proved to be the best public relations for many African governments and communities.
Conference fee: £35 (free for staff and student of the University of Westminster). The conference is organised by University of Westminster's Africa Media Centre in association with the Communication and Media Research Institute, Communication Research in Arts and Media, the London African Film Festival, Africa at the Pictures.
Here are registration form, programme and information contact.
Further info: Africa at the Pictures: The London African Film Festival – the Best of African Cinema (november 26th – december 3rd).