Snag films is a website, founded by Ted Leonsis in 2008 in Usa, where it's possible to watch full-lenght documentary films for free. This online platform is committed to finding the world's most compelling documentaries and making them available to the wide audience. No software installation or downloading required.

But you can also snag your film/documentary: widgets let you take your favourite SnagFilms in online places you like. And you can make your-own virtual movie theater (and it's provided an optional link for supporting your charity or a charity related to the topic of the film).

Through the MovieMatcher, it's possible to choose within a tag cloud, until to a maximum of 12 films. Library: over 1000 films. The contents are available with different amounts for: american users, canadian users, united kingdom users, international users.

The documentaries can be browsed by topics (art, environment, health, history, world, life&culture, music, politics, religion&spirituality, science&nature, sport&hobbies, women's issues) or channels or title.